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Kinettó Coffee, Franklin Street, Adelaide - Catering

Our Story

‘Kineto’ is Greek for movement. Kinettó Coffee & Kitchen in Adelaide’s CBD is a hub for city workers on the move and for those who want to linger over a more leisurely-paced meal. Kinettó owner operator, Fred Sayed, grew up in Athens. His mother bakes cakes, biscotti and dessert for the café, and the menu is infused with modern Mediterranean flavours inspired by Fred’s heritage and South Australia’s wines and seasonal produce.


Kinettó knows coffee

Fred Sayed has been in hospitality for 20 years in Sydney and Adelaide and he knows how important the coffee is. For Kinettó he has chosen Mocapan Roast 54, a flavoursome bean from an old-school roaster that works well black or with milk.

Come for the coffee, stay for the food

Mornings at Kinettó are lively with loyal coffee drinkers coming for their fix. Plus, there is a display fridge with delicious takeaway choices. For tourists and shoppers, and anyone with time to enjoy a sit-down breakfast, the options are delectable. Even the staples have a special twist. The homemade granola is served with goji berries and muntries (native cranberries), seasonal fruits and Greek yoghurt. Avocado toast is topped with labne, dukkah and a tahini dressing. Loukaniko, Greek sausages, take the baked eggs to another level.


Lunchtime is more relaxed. There are no table numbers or coming to the counter. Take a seat and choose from a menu bursting with flavour: slow-roasted lamb, wild mushrooms, goats curd, preserved radishes, an ouzo-based sauce, plus a range of produce that screams “fresh.” Kinettó is fully licensed with a selection of beers and wines by-the-glass and by-the-bottle from the Adelaide Hills, and Clare and Barossa Valleys.

Busy schedule or time to dine

In its city location, Kinettó accommodates those with a tighter schedule and those who want to enjoy a long sit-down lunch. The menu is designed to be quick and easy. There is no need to stress about when the food’s coming. At the same time, you won’t be hurried through your meal.


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